Sustainable Design & Construction
Not only are the various Codes demanding conservation of energy and healthy environments, the case for energy reduction makes economic sense as well. And, developing Sustainable Projects is just the right thing to do!
The SRa Team recently completed a large housing campus in Kayenta, AZ whose cost of utilities for Power, Lighting, Heating, Cooling and Operations target was $75.00 per month. The project was awarded 110 LEED Gold Certifications for the high-quality design & construction.
Working with the Non-Profit Native American Connections in Phoenix, SRa designed and constructed a Residential Treatment Facility near downtown Phoenix that was awarded LEED Silver for this innovative facility. Gila River Health Care will soon receive LEED Certification for the Red Tail Hawk Health Center just coming on line in Chandler. The facility was designed by SRa in 2011, and after waiting for several years for Construction funding has just been completed.
Implementing Green Design