BIM & Animation
Another factor that assures the high quality of our CD’s is our use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for ALL of our work. BIM essentially has replaced “drawing the plans” with creating an Electronic 3-D Virtual Model for your projects. That virtual model is very precise, to the point of understanding that if a pipe is colliding with a beam for example, the “Clash Detection” within the BIM file will identify the conflict, so that the elements of the building identified within the BIM can be resolved during the design / documentation process. That results in virtual elimination of “surprises” in the construction phase, thereby saving everyone money and time. So BIM is a “game changer” by improving quality while reducing cost!
We also need to mention another very real benefit to the use of BIM: Improved Communications with Clients! Since we are developing 3-D virtual models, we can present design concepts, ideas, and details in 3-D. We can even create animations allowing you to walk through, around or even fly over the project. All of these options improve comprehension of the audience about what the project will be, and thus speeds the review & approval process of the Users, as well as Administration and Governance folks.
Leveraging BIM